Sunday, October 16, 2011


1)The introduction;
  A-Slums are an unhealthy life style that is cheep ,and is hazardous 
  B-There is slums all over the world
*human population is growing immensely in these slum areas   
C- Has many negative impacts towards our society.Sadly to think ,but many slums across the world are hidden by the government. Only because they try to avoid the slums.
  D-The slims are also affecting us by polluting a several areas across the world.

2)Defend able points 
  A- slums are extremely cheep ,and the people living their are under poverty.
  B- The population growth is huge indicting that in the slums they are over crowded.
  C-All though the people there contribute to natural racecourses.
  D-The neighborhood, Dharavi (a slum), is home to about 600,000 people crammed into one square mile"(source 4).

3)Defend able points 
  A- in the Slums there is a very high percentage of people rapidly growing, adding more clutter then it already is. 
  B-The percentage of the people in the slums have an extremely low income. Then it state in source 4 that majority of the population  of the people living in the slums don't have legal papers, so the government can easily take there property away.
 C-Poverty can lead to so many things in behalf of the country they are in.
 D-Most of the people that live in slums are in lack of reassesses. 

4)Defend able Points 
  A- My last point is that the slums harm the society in a disturbing matter ,and that is global warming.
  B-Slums are very close together with big piles of garbage .
  C- Because there is so many garbage everywhere this affect many people living their causing diseases witch is very unsanitary. 
  D-Also proving that there is a lot of garbage in the slums that is considered pollution. which is not only harmful to the people living in the slums ,but Innocent creature following up.

  A- Slums are very unhealthy life style ,but very cheep
  B-Slums are very cheep , and is an unhealthy life style. 
  C-They are also causing Global warming indicating that they are affecting the whole world.
  D- When is their ever going to be a stop to this?

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